Thursday, July 9, 2009

Freedom….. Of tyrants and corruption?

Talk about being free, not everyone have the same outlook do they? Invaders come and go freedom snatched as our forefathers watched; pent up anger and tears swell yet deeper they were pushed to hell. How I wish freedom is like the sunshine, bright and warm, a smile and an embrace of a mothers arm. Shall I compare it to a soft blowing wind, cold yet refreshing my dreary face? Or to a gentle falling rain that washes my sadness and pain? Oh freedom what a grotesque definition they made out of you…. man made and unnatural. Raging waves smashing the shore creating white sand beaches lined with smooth glittering pebbles. It is like a ravaging storm that drives away the smog. Should the citizens mourn before they are allowed to dance, cry before being joyful, be in the bosom of the long dark night before seeing the morning light or beaten before given a morsel of bread? Where does freedom take its side? the ordinary citizen who toil the soil, work in the deep recesses of the earth, run the toxic industries, raise food for all, and pay taxes for the government to spend? Freedom is on the side of the rulers. They pass, interpret and implement the laws promoting or limiting freedom even converting a right into a privilege. Only the moneyed people are benefited by the bills that guarantee freedom. What an irony to drive away the invaders from outside that trampled our freedom but greater are the conquerors that enslave from within, neither bullets, canons nor the most sophisticated weaponry can harm. Corruption controlling the legislators, magistrates and executives is now the tyrant that rules. In its hands they are but fools. They are fed with greed, pampered with pride while hypocrisy is their guide. Like lycanthropes they live among humans deceiving and preying on their innocence. A tyranny of rulers stealing freedom from the commoners…….

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